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What is Plant based Products?
A Plant based products are derived from plants without any animal use or any chemicals

Plant-based Products is beneficial for our overall health. Plant foods like vegetables, fruit, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds are low in saturated fat, contain heart-healthy fats and are a great source of fiber.

All our Products are Non GMO

You should consume Smart greens Plant based Biotin 10,000 Mcg Capsules and biotin powder for keeping your hair healthy and Skin glowing.

Both products have same benefits it depends on you what can you consume and take it for a longer period of time.

Yes biotin helps in Hair growth

You should take Smart greens plant based beet root powder for that it will help to increase your stamina and your performance

Yes biotin strengthens your hair and prevent them from breaking down

No our products is derived from plant based ingredients so our products are 100 % chemical free

Men and Women both can use our products